Pačeko! (35 metų)
Spēli iedomājos šādi: Tu Tava jaukā sieva palīdz man nogrimmēties un uzvilkt kaut ko sexy no sieviešu veļas, Tad mēs divas sākam rotaļu ap Tevi, pavedināšana un iekārdināšana un maigi pārejam pie visām baudām, ko varam viens otram sagādāt. Ja domājat ka esmu profi tai lietā-tad nē! Ne ko tādu neesmu nekad darijis, bet vienreiz izmēģināt kādu sexy spēli vajadzētu, sižets varētu būt arī savādāks, galvenais lai mums 3jiem patiktu. Par sevi sexy 35g. jauns ar visiem normālajiem dotumiem atraisīts visam, jautrs ar lielisku izdomu un fantāziju, mana atklātā bilde pie 1ās sarakstes, esmu kopts un garantēju ka vesels vīrietis un vēlos Jūs redzēt tādus pašus un sirdī jaunus, galvenais forši pavadīt vakaru.
Skelbimo ID |
#1054866 |
Vardas |
Pačeko! |
Amžius |
35 |
E-mail |
ist***@inbox.lv Sužinoti e-mailą
Bring your ad to the top
To raise your ad to the top, send an SMS with the text:
į numerį
Latvijoje: 1881 (LMT, Tele2, Bite)
Price: 3 €
Why do I need to move ad?
Benefits of lifting
- A quick and convenient way to increase reply amount
- An easy way to update your ad and gain more visibility
- The ad moves to the very top among the free ads (If it does not have a VIP status)
- Free ads show all photos again
- Ads with VIP status move up among VIP ads (While the VIP status is active)
As new ads are added to your category, the promoted ads gradually go down, just like regular ads.
Highlight with color
Highlighted ad features:
- Makes your ad more visible among others
- The ad remains highlighted as long as it is active
The ad stands out for the entire time it is posted on the site!
Norėdami gauti VIP statusą šiam skelbimui, atsiųskite SMS žinutę su tekstu:
į numerį
Latvijoje: 1881 (LMT, Tele2, Bite)
Kaina: 4 €
Kas yra VIP statusas?
What will give you VIP status:
- Ad will ben highlighted in bold font
- The ad hits the main page of the portal
(Second page of attendance on the portal)
- The ad is always on the first pages of ads at the very top of your category.
(The first page of each category is on average 4 times more visited than the others)
VIP status is working 24 hours from the moment of payment verification. If you extend the duration of the VIP ad until its expiration, then the time will be added to the already existing one.
Norėdami gauti Diamond statusą šiam skelbimui, atsiųskite SMS žinutę su tekstu:
į numerį
Latvijoje: 1881 (LMT, Tele2, Bite)
Kaina: 14.09 €
Kas yra Diamond statusas?
What will give you Diamond status:
- The ad is above all VIP ads
- Ad will ben highlighted in bold font
- The ad hits the main page of the portal
(Second page of attendance on the portal)
- The ad is always on the first pages of ads at the very top of your category.
(The first page of each category is on average 4 times more visited than the others)
Diamond status is working 24 hours from the moment of payment verification. If you extend the duration of the Diamond ad until its expiration, then the time will be added to the already existing one.
Pridėjo |
kov. 2012 |